Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thurs = test day

Today was a test!

I was confronted by someone...let's call him Dave.  Well, Dave was angry.  He decided that I looked rather vulnerable.  Not sure why.  He turned his fear and hurt, in the form of anger, on me.  He was not ready for my reply. 

I am learning that my anger is based out of hurt, alot of hurt.  As I face my fear and pain, I am also finding that I am able to assist others by defusing potentially explosive situations.  Nothing "Dave" said was directed at me, although it sounded like it.  It was entirely based on his fear.  When I didn't respond in a "typical" manner, it caught him off guard and he was able to calm down and tackle the problem at hand with me.

The old me would have exploded into that situation with the Hulk-ish intent of beating everyone involved down.  The old me would have hurt feelings and destroyed friendships with angry words and callous emotion.

There is hope for people like me.  I am 5 weeks into my journey.  Some days it seems like I've traveled miles and my dragons are beaten and slain on the side of the road.  Other days it seems like these same dragons are standing at the top of the mountain I am about to climb.  There are peaks and valleys.

The good news is that there are Warriors who have gone ahead of me who know this fear and pain.  They walk with me.  They surround me with their strength and encouragement.  They hold me up when I'm feeling defeated.  They expect the same from me.  I am strong because of them.

I am rebellion against my old self and my old way of living.  I am in a fight for my independence from that self; a war for the right to use my own mind, make my own decisions and control my own emotions!

Steve H (005)
What will YOU do to Save A Warrior?

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Today is the beginning of a new dream!

It's been almost 4 weeks since I left Cohort 005 and as I read, meditate and talk through some of my demons, I'm amazed at several things:

1) The incredible team of providers that offer their time, love and services to this group of men who are at the end of their rope.

2) The awesome power of communication between like minded individuals. 

3) The transformation I can see in myself as I put into practice very simply yet profound concepts and ideas that this team of providers showed me and tools they gave me.

I will explain #2.  I have been on a roller coaster of emotion and self awareness lately.  I don't know how it is, but EVERY single time I at a low point and feel like I'm doing something wrong or failing at something, I receive a phone call or email or text just checking on me.  Nothing specific is ever asked of me.  And I in no way feel compelled to explain or show any emotion at all.  But the way in which this support network works allows me to feel comfortable sharing myself.  I am learning that is called love.  I am also learning that the one person responsible for keeping me from happiness in my life has been me. I have judged myself so harshly my entire life that I have not allowed anyone to get close to me because I did not want them to see the failure that I perceived I was.

Change is hard.  However, I am also finding out that "your happiness, your freedom, your entire way of living depend s on it.  The warriors goal is to transcend this world" not be part of it. 

4 weeks ago I started a journey.
4 weeks ago I walked away from my old self. 
4 weeks ago I was given a gift.

The continuing action is change and paying it forward.  I could have missed that.  I will forever be in debt to those who gave me these tools and ARE actively providing me guidance, mentorship and love.  Thank you.

Strength and Honor

Steve H (005)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Then Everything Changed...My Week with Warriors at Save A Warrior Cohort 005

My business partner Willis Daniels is a force of nature and one of the smartest and most enthusiastic people I have ever met, he may be wrong but he’s rarely in doubt.

When Willis came to me and said “We gotta do this Warrior Camp thingy," I was immediately on board. I thought if we could design something that actually helps that opportunity would be awesome.  The village was about camaraderie and being part of a unit.  Our designs were fleshed out and used in presentations given by Captain Jake Clark.  Following these initial efforts I would hear little snippets about how the rock ceremonies were so moving, or how the project was changing peoples’ lives.  I was never witness to the effects and power of the project.

Willis had thrown out the idea that I should go through the project.  I would understand what the needs of the warriors were and what they would be experiencing.  At first I was incredibly intimidated by this prospect.  How would I ever relate to a group of warriors?  The prospect lingered in my head as if my inner self was banging on me as if to say “this could really help more warriors and YOU!!!” My wife got involved and reminded me of how I could help and this was a chance to help others. So, I contacted Jake late one night about my attendance in the project.  He went over my reason for doing the program more explicitly than I could explain it myself.  He said
Original Rendering of Save A Warrior Camp
with a better understanding of what these guys are going through I could design something even more fantastic than the first go around and I would even learn how to meditate.

When the week approached, I found myself doing the usual self-destructive patterns I always do.   I tried to button up work (yeah right) I barely packed, and of course I left late just to make sure I missed something.  My mind was expressing itself this way because I was downright nervous.  I knew I had to open myself for the experience and there might be some emotions involved, I hate those things.

Then everything changed.

Eddie's Mandalas
The week was the most intense soul changing experience I could have ever imagined.  Everyday I faced another fear or weakness in myself and confronted it head-on.  Suzi Landolphi instantly recognized and gave me the tools to deal with my relationships.  Rosemary Alden showed me that the path to myself was right in front of me all along I just had to listen to myself and trust myself.  At the ropes course Philip and Michael got the big dig in, I finally dealt with the early passing of my father and finding the happiness of the memories of my childhood and being able to pass those happy times onto my children.  This part of the process still makes me tear up and realize how much I miss him and those happy days.  At the end of the climbing day, I was spent.  I thought I had reached my emotional fulfillment.  I had emptied that bucket of all the emotional hardship that had been clouding my soul and my judgment.  Then…I had a talk with Dusty.  We had a long talk on the way back to the camp.  I admired his enthusiasm for life and his force of joy.  There was skeptical parts of me inside still saying “No way can this guy be this excited and enthused about life its gotta be fake” but the exposed part of myself said “This guy is so awesome; I want to get what he’s got. I want to be that “AMAZING” guy.”  He told me 100 different ways about how happiness is a choice so why not chose to be happy.  I finally believed him after the first 99 times of disbelief. Really ??!!it can not be that easy NO WAY.  I made a deal with Dusty.  I would start out the next day and “Choose to be Happy.”

I started out the third day honoring my deal, (one that I have kept ever since) and headed out to Big Heart Ranch.  I took in lessons about inter-dependence and co-dependence from the animals.  I learned that you can’t bullshit horses.

I am deathly afraid of horses, but my fear did not seem to matter anymore.  I released all my trivial facades about myself and just let myself be myself.  Next thing I knew I was riding around on a giant horse.  Fellow cohorts already noticed that I had been transformed.  According to Magic Steve I was floating around with a smile plastered to my face.  That night on a rock climbing adventure on the side of the cliff Steve Howell noticed the kid in me trying to get out.  He said,  “Come on Let’s Go Find that Kid Inside.”  The climbing that night was the first time in the longest time that I just felt plain and simple joy.  The feeling was so clear and pure.

The most amazing part of my journey was connecting with the men in the cohort.  They welcomed me in from the beginning.  I was not an observer, but a participant.  They were going to share my path and I am sharing theirs.  Everything from the fabulous rat stories from John to the tender underside of men who are trying to keep their lives and marriages together made everyone in the cohort a brother.  I have never bonded with anyone this way before.  The strength of that bond will endure a long time. 

21 Days from the beginning of meditation.

I am evolving into who I am and who I want to be and the journey is “Amazing.”  I have decided to stop being a bystander in my own life.  I have taken up Taekwondo with my kids and I have been swimming with them as well.  I have reset boundaries on relationships so that I no longer get hurt. My wife and kids have embraced the new me, the one that comes from a place of understanding and strength and not fear and frustration.  I communicate with emotion in email and in person.  I am becoming a really cool guy to be around.  Everyday I wake up and I chose to be happy.  Thank you everyone for making the choice so easy to make.

- eddie

Eddie Osuch is helping design Save A Warrior Camp

This week with Save A Warrior clearly had an incredible impact on Eddie...He is going to help 'Save A Warrior' by building a retreat for them.  What are you doing?  DONATE TODAY!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Friends Don't Let Friends Meditate Alone!

One of the first things I ever said to Jake Clark was I would help him anyway I can, that was August of 2002.  We bonded over our common past of being recovering pretty-boy jocks and having many of the same challenges. In our ten year friendship we had helped each other through life’s little tragedies (women, money), usually driven by our own bad decisions. I am still attempting to make progress in those areas, with limited results.

Jake was just out of a job in 2012 and was struggling, strange I thought because Jake is probably the most capable and certainly the highest trained and intense person I know.  Jake’s commitment to service throughout his life is second to none, US Army, Secret Service, LAPD, FBI, US Army National Guard (officer); these are not the commitments of a selfish person. I have faith that Jake can do anything.

The only advantage I had over Jake was that I was in recovery longer and that I meditated; I have been practicing Transcendental Meditation since 1994 and it has saved my life, without a doubt. 

I had suggested to Jake many times that he learn Transcendental Meditation, (about a year).  What I didn’t know at the time was that he was having suicidal ideations after his return to the world from active duty in Kosovo.  If I’d have known that he was seriously harboring these thoughts I would have kidnapped him (I know people) and dropped him off at the TM Center rolled in a carpet with a note to Denny Goodman (Director of the Beverly Hills TM Center) pinned to the outside. 

Jake finally acquiesced and got the TM training, it was after a couple of weeks of practicing the meditation that he admitted to his suicidal thoughts and the fact that they had lifted.  We discussed the tragedy of Veteran Suicides and how nobody really seemed to be doing anything about it.  Many organizations would be happy to give the vets an “Atta-boy”, a handshake and a pat on the back.  Worse yet was the impression from some major veterans relief organizations that war-related trauma and post-traumatic stress (PTS) could be relived with some swag and a photo-op.  The VA themselves, completely overwhelmed, could only offer some pills and some talk therapy, after you waited and waited for your case to be heard. This problem is REAL.

Jake’s admission of his own suicidal thoughts being lifted by meditation sparked the conversation which led to the formation of the Warrior Meditation Project, now Save a Warrior.  We wanted to bring this relief to other returning vets who were at risk.  My original concept was a daily routine of Meditation, Yoga and Nutrition that would help the returning veteran be in the day he is actually in, not in the regrets and sadness of the past or the fears of an unknown future. 

We knew that this might sound like some crazy hippie shit to some people, but I argued that maybe we had to look to where the hippies were RIGHT, scrape some of the patchouli off of this stuff and utilize it in a positive way to help these men who have done so much and sacrificed and damn near died for us.  For these young men with so much life ahead of them to die at their own hand after surviving combat seems unbelievably tragic.  We had to do SOMETHING.

Jake really took it upon himself to make the project a reality.  He had read thousands of books and had taken many hours of different types of training in rented hotel conference rooms that would lead to the “War Detox” part of the project. It is nothing short of miraculous what Jake has done in less than a year, (first Cohort #001, Nov. 2012) it seems that the Universe has conspired to put Jake in this unique position to help these men.

You too can Save A Warrior!
The turn-around in Jake’s life and in the 50 men through 5 cohorts is astounding, if I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it.  These are truly some of the finest people I have ever met; to think we could have lost some of these guys is unfathomable. The fellowship forming around these men and how their shared experiences, no matter how horrific, can benefit others going forward.  They have learned to rely on each other and offer support through the phones and email, this fellowship works because, like in other fellowships, they are rarely all crazy on the same day.  I will still help Captain Jake Clark anyway I can. 

- Willis Daniels
Willis Daniels -
WeDo Architecture

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hesitant Marine

 I was greeted with a quote, "Steve, this is a week over which you will never get."  I had my doubts.  I gave Jake and Bobby both about 5-10 minutes on the phone at the prodding of my wife and father-in-law.  I was that arrogant Marine who didn't need any help from anyone.  I was closed off to any who tried to help and was very reserved and hesitant to show any sort of emotion as that was a sign of weakness.

As I spent the week in Malibu, I very quickly realized that there are men just like me and that there are also providers who TRULY do care.  Quick story, I was interviewed after one of my deployments and was asked by a psychiatrist with very bad coffee breath very close to my face, "how do upsetting problems make you feel?"  Well you can imagine my response! "UPSET, JACKASS!!"  Therefore I was deemed, homicidal.  That was my first interaction with "providers"  So coming into the Save A Warrior week, I had my doubts and reservations.

When i was greeted with a huge hug from Giants in the field, I was instantly put on a heightened sense of awareness.  Oh shit, we are gonna sit around and cry and throw pine cones in a fire while someone wants to hug me and call me homicidal!

I quickly learned that these men and women do care and want to provide love, support and help; not only during the intense week with them, but also afterwards and when I get home.  Rosemary AldenSuzi Landolphi, and Dusty Baxley (primarily for me) provided a safe place where I was understood and didn't really have to say much.  I was amazed at how easily they recognized feelings and emotions and were able to provide guidance and insight based on their years and years of experience.

The straw that broke the camels back, for me, was at the Big Heart Ranch, when (in the picture to the right) John Vitale placed a damn chicken on my head.  The metaphor that Suzi pointed out has changed my life and changed how I interact with literally everyone around me.

The week following that life changing time in Malibu, I've received phone calls, text messages, emails, Facebook post, Facebook messages, and everything but a carrier pigeon from the providers, men who went through the week with me and those who went in previous cohorts.  I'm amazed and humbled.

This is work that MUST continue.  If you know anyone suffering from PTSD from any event (especially combat), put them in touch with me or with Jake Clark or Bobby Farmer.  Again, I was extremely hesitant and these men broke down those barriers almost effortlessly.

Steve Howell 005

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Game Has Changed!

Save A Warrior is a game changer!  It was amazing to meet seven guys Sunday night who all seemed mad at the world...only to completely morph into seven new men.  Men who I now call brothers.

To the left are my Mandalas.  These were used as 'spiritual tools' by Rosemary Alden, one of the providers. I made the bottom one on the first day and the top one on my last day.  Very insightful!

I've been in therapy for years and have tried MANY different types of therapy techniques and modalities.  Full disclosure...I am a yoga instructor and fully believe my yoga practice and breath work are both life-savers...but THIS WEEK with Save A Warrior was like nothing I've ever done before.

After thinking about it for over two weeks....I think the reason this program had such a huge impact on me and the seven other guys is because....EVERYONE CARES!  It is very apparent.  All of the providers and the behind the scenes folks give it all they got.

IF YOU know someone who is suffering from PTSD, or if you think you know someone who is suffering from PTSD, send an email today:


Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Initiation

This is the first of what I hope to be many blog posts from Warriors who attend a Save A Warrior Cohort.  My hope is that these warriors can provide content for this it thoughts, images, poems, songs...whatever...I don't care...there are no rules.  I just want to provide a space...a forum that might help give these warriors (including me) the chance to remove the burden of the suffering we have witnessed and endured.
-Chris Eder 005

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